
For ÖSWAG companies, quality is a key focus of corporate policy, which is why all production orders are checked for compliance by our quality assurance department. 

Our high quality standards enable us to ensure the competitiveness and success of the company. We regularly carry out certifications in order to remain at the cutting edge of technology. Audits by external testing institutes enable us to guarantee the quality of all our processes.

Quality policy

The quality policy is an integral part of the corporate strategy.
The QM system is designed in such a way that it supports the company management's objective of maintaining and increasing profitability sustainably and in the long term, thereby ensuring the continued existence of the company.

This defines our quality policy:

  • Simple organization and clear responsibility
  • Producing quality and not controlling it
  • Fulfillment of customer requirements at reasonable cost
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of products, services and internal processes
  • Ongoing alignment with market requirements and the state of the art
  • Shared responsibility of every employee and every manager
  • Quality and adherence to deadlines as an integral part of our corporate strategy

Environmental policy

We are aware that global resources are limited and that the pressure on the ecosystem continues to increase. Environmentally oriented corporate management is therefore a key objective. When selecting materials, consumables and aids, we pay attention to sustainability wherever possible. Where possible, we only use materials that can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

We therefore pay attention to the following points in the area of environmental management:

  • We comply with the relevant laws, regulations and other regulatory requirements. We also take the necessary measures.
  • When developing and manufacturing our products, we also take their environmental impact into account and use natural resources sparingly.
  • We ensure that our environmental policy is consistently implemented through a suitable environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001.
  • Our employees play a decisive role in the practical implementation of our environmental policy. We support them by providing information and training to promote their commitment.
  • Through a continuous improvement process, we increase environmental quality and strive for ongoing optimization.
  • We give preference to suppliers who act according to ecological principles in order to further reduce our ecological footprint.
  • We maintain an open information policy and transparent cooperation with the relevant authorities.