Whistleblower Protection Act
Whistleblower reporting system
ÖSWAG's whistleblower reporting system is used to report violations in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) and the EU Whistleblower Directive.
This reporting office offers you the opportunity to report possible violations of laws, internal guidelines or other grievances in the workplace confidentially and securely. You can do this anonymously or by revealing your identity, depending on which approach you prefer.
Our reporting office is subject to the lawyer's duty of confidentiality and thus guarantees the protection of your data and information.
You have the following options for submitting a note:
- via form www.anwaltliche-meldestelle.at/hinweis-geben
- by email hinweis@anwaltliche-meldestelle.at
- by telephone +43 (0) 6245 - 20311