We are one of the most popular employers in Upper Austria!

We are one of the most popular employers in Upper Austria!

The IMWF, in cooperation with the Kronen Zeitung, has conducted the first comprehensive study of the #TopEmployers in Austria. This involved analyzing 4,900 companies and assessing the 850 best of them in a survey with over 40,000 ratings.

We are delighted that ÖSWAG is one of the TOP employers!

🚀Would you like to take the opportunity to join our team?

Then click through our job advertisements, maybe there is something for you: https://www.oeswag.at/jobs/

🚀Or are you looking for an apprenticeship? Then take a look at our apprenticeships: https://www.oeswag.at/lehrlinge/

➡️ Click here for the IMWF study: https://imwf.at/…/siegelstudien/beliebte-arbeitgeber-2024/


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oeswag facebookpage


ISO9001 and other certifications


Machinery, port regulations and others

Spare parts

Reliable partner for spare parts


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